Get Inspired

Delight sits there, waiting for the prison cells of our minds to open wide the doors, the prison that keeps us endlessly ruminating with the preoccupation of fault finding with ourselves. As I age, there is so much more room for Delight. I get her out from behind those bars. She breathes in a great lungful of fresh air, stretches and looks around. “Goodness, I’ve been in there for some long years.”

Bring On Spring!
When I am present with the world, no matter whether it is behaving the way I want it too, there is always, always, always beauty.

No Mind
Oh to have an ascetic mind, where the hallways of my inner world are swept clean of the litter of years;

A Full and Ripe Flowering
"There can be a certain perverse pleasure, as well as a sense of rightness and beauty, in insisting on flowering just when the world expects you to become quiet and diminish."

Random Thoughts on December 31st, 2022 from Mexico
We are such fragile beings
Surrounded by mountains of facts

Inclusion & A Poem on Trees
The word inclusive is often on my mind as I sit in our little shop, Fig Love. In a world where so many of us want to fit in and not stand out, it takes a certain amount of courage to be our own authentic self, to step outside our tribal boundaries, and make our own way.

Earth Cycles and Fall Lessons
The cycle of the year turns and shifts and I am reminded every day how all things end and begin and end and begin again.

Owning My Own Life
I am not at the effect of others' choices. It is a beautiful and somewhat terrifying responsibility to own my own life.

How Many Rooms in My Head?
There is the beautiful realization that a peaceful life demands a slowing down, a refining of priorities.

A Good Dose of Reality
Learning to get along with others is a fine art. It can improve with age if we practice, practice, practice. My greatest tool is to remind myself that the way I see the world is not the way others see it.

If I look over my shoulder at the years, I see so many different lives, identities I picked up along the way to fit into a niche, to find a home, to belong

Nature and Second Chances
In a world where fear mongering appears to be one of the greatest marketing techniques, whether financial stability, religious judgments or social acceptance, it is a wonderful thing to remember gratitude in the moment.

Too Busy?
I am happy each time I am reminded that it is the joyful moments, the ones I fall into like a sweet rhythm, where I lose track of time and know I'm in my soft space, that are the ways I want to fill my days

Wide Open Hearts
These days I find myself open to a whole range of emotions. I see others struggling with the paradox of gratitude and grief.

The Gifts We Share
I am aware of the differences I make when I take the time to share my gifts with the world.