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Flight of Fancy Scarf
Flight of Fancy Scarf
Flight of Fancy Scarf
Flight of Fancy Scarf
Flight of Fancy Scarf
Flight of Fancy Scarf
Flight of Fancy Scarf
Flight of Fancy Scarf
Flight of Fancy Scarf
Flight of Fancy Scarf

Flight of Fancy Scarf

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Slightly sheer, and light as air!

About the Print: A Bouquet of Hummingbirds
Did you know a flock of hummingbirds is called a glitter, a shimmer, or even a bouquet? These tiny marvels, weighing less than a nickel, can fly both forward and backward and have the biggest hearts (proportionally) in the animal kingdom. Symbols of hope, healing, and good luck, hummingbirds are sometimes thought to bring well-wishes from loved ones, near and far.

Our stunning bouquet print is a collage of breathtaking 18th-century floral paintings, including works by Rachel Ruysch—one of history’s most celebrated still-life artists and the first woman to be inducted into The Hague's prestigious painter’s society.

155cm x 68cm

100% Viscose from Bamboo/Wood

p.s. The fabric is absolutely lusciously soft!